Top 5 Most Dangerous Place in the World - Real Truth Research


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Feb 17, 2018

Top 5 Most Dangerous Place in the World

Top 5 Most Dangerous Place in the World

There are several places that are known to be dangerous and unsafe for the people living or visiting there. miserable political conditions, or the intense war situations. Here is a list of the Top 5 Most Dangerous Places in the World. Read on to know the details about each of them, and the reasons why they are so dangerous for inhabitation.

1. Kabul, Afghanistan

No matter how much the US intervene or lay troops on the ground, this place has not yet been rescued from being the top one in this list. Kabul is used to regular bomb attacks on embassies and hotels. The security forces keep struggling to put some law and order, but to no use. The Taliban are gaining ground, and the situation is worsening. Terrorism and war make the city a difficult place to live in. This makes Kabul top.

2. Mogadishu, Somalia

Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, was undisputedly the most dangerous place in the world until recently. The last fully functioning government in the place collapsed in the year 1991 after the UN and embassies pulled out in the 1990s. From 2007 till last August Al Qaeda militants were known to hold sway over much of the city. In August 2014, African Union fighter pushed out al-Shabab. This ended the daily grind of war in the city.

3. Baghdad, Iraq

Immediately after the US invasion, Baghdad had become the most dangerous place in the world for several years. It has juts calmed down a bit recently. Baghdad is known to suffer a very unstable political climate after the military forces were withdrawn from Iraq. The city’s infrastructure has been completely destroyed by the long years of bombings and counter bombings. There have been several incidents of intermittent suicide bombings, roadside bombs, and random gunfire. Such instances still prevail in the city. They create havoc all over and put the lives of the hapless citizens under risk at all times.

4. Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Mexico is known to be a drug haven. The city of Ciudad Juarez is known to be its unofficial capital in all such matters. The drug traffickers in this place are notorious and violent. They do almost anything and everything they want. The police are mostly corrupt. As such, Ciudad Juarez becomes one of the most violent and dangerous places in the world that it outside war zones of any kind.


5. Abidjan, Ivory Coast

The security situation in Abidjan has just recently improved. It has suffered years of mindless violence between the warring factions. The turning point was the arrest of the former president Laurent Gbagbo and the ceding of power to the duly elected president Alassane Quattara. Even then, there is a lot of tension that simmers below the surface. This makes Abidjan the fifth place.


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