How to Beceome a Body Builder - Real Truth Research


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Feb 12, 2018

How to Beceome a Body Builder

How to Beceome a Body Builder

1.  Shoulder Workout

Shoulder supersets are a highly underutilised, but effective way of overloading your muscles that can lead to a huge boost in muscle growth. Many struggle to pack on shoulder mass, since they do not work them with the volume that they require.
Supersets are simply sets which include 2 exercises performed on after the other. For example, you would perform X reps of exercise 1 and then Y reps of exercise too immediately after.
This workout is specifically designed for your shoulders, using supersets to help you really blow them up, giving you those boulder shoulders you’ve visualised having!

2. Warm Up

Warming up is an important part of the workout that many often leave or forget to do if time is limited in the gym. It will help prevent injuries and get the blood pumping for an effective and efficient workout.

 3. Cardio

Try 5-10 minutes of LISS (Low Intensity Steady State cardio) to warm up and get your blood pumping in preparation of your lifting session. Walk, jog, run – it’s upto you!

4. Windmills

A great way to warm up your shoulders! Stand with arms out straight and parallel to the ground. Rotate them in an arc-like motion, starting from small rotations and gradually increase the size. Perform for 30 seconds and use alternate arms.

5. Shoulder Dislocations

Sounds less than appealing but are actually great for warming up and increasing flexibility. Stand with a long stick, pole, cord, bungee etc. in front of you and position your hands wide at either end. Without bending your elbows, raise the equipment (or over your head and behind your body.)
Tight shoulders? Try using a wider grip; once your flexibility increases you’ll be able to perform with a narrow grip.

6. Lateral Raises

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, pick up a pair of dumbbells with one in each hand. Allow a slight bend in your elbows as you let the weights hang by your sides, palms facing one another. Raise your arms out to your sides, until they are parallel to the ground. Slowly lower then to the starting position and repeat.

7.Upright Rows

Standing with your feet shoulder width apart, pick up a barbell and hold it will a narrow grip. Row the bar vertically up, ‘dragging’ it across your torso until you reach the top of your chest. Stop when you reach just below your chin, where your arms forearms and upper arms should be bent and touching one another, parallel to the ground. Lower the weight to the starting position and repeat.

#collected if you need more details then visit this link :

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