The world's 4 most mysterious places - Real Truth Research


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Feb 25, 2018

The world's 4 most mysterious places

The world's 4 most mysterious places 

1. Bridgewater Triangle

The BridgeWater Triangle is located in southeastern Massachusetts, and it spreads around 200 square meters. If you want to experience supernatural power then this mysterious place is for you. There are numerous physical phenomena in this place. In the spring of 1970, local people came to see the location of tall and humorous strange creatures in this place, at which time the place was discussed. Many mysterious stories around this place are common among local people.

2. Prejudice Mountains

This mysterious place is located in the Eastern Asia of Phoenix, the Ostripion Mountains. According to the 1800 story, there lived a German resident named, Jacob Waltz. At this place he invented a gold mine inside the mountain. But it has been said that he never talked about this mountain with anybody, but in later times there were several raid in this place but gold mine was never found. Local people say that the souls of those who lost their lives in search of gold mine, roam the mountain and guard the gold mining.

3. Michigan Triangle

The Michigan triangle is located in the middle of Michigan and it is one of the geographical triangle. Known as the mysterious place of this place all over the world, this mysterious place covers the mysterious disappearances of various air and sea ships. The most famous story related to this place is Northwest Airlines Flight 2501, which was crashed on 23 June, 23. The plane was flying with the passengers of Lake Michigan on the night of midnight in bad weather with 58 passengers. The plane fell into the lake without any special reason, although the aircraft was found later in good condition but no human remains were found. 

4. Lake Ajikuni 

Lake Ajikuni is located in Canada. A person named Joe Labelle reported in the 1930s that no villager was seen in an isolated village near the lake, and no pets were seen. Then he searched all the way, but he could not find anyone. He was seen to have all the houses and shops in the village, but people were suddenly disappeared. But many people say that the villagers flee to the village fearing some strange light in the lake but if they really escape then they went away? That's a mystery.

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