The history of celebrating 1st January as "New Year's Day" - Real Truth Research


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Feb 5, 2018

The history of celebrating 1st January as "New Year's Day"

The history of celebrating 1st January as "New Year's Day"


"46 years before the birth of Isa ibn Maryam (alaihis salam), the 1st of January was celebrated as" New Year's Day "by the Roman emperors. The modern Gregorian calendar is also being celebrated on the 1st January in the same year as the "New Year's Day".
The question is, from where on January 1? There are two types of descriptions in history in this regard.
(1) 🔍 The pagans of the Roman Empire worshiped one God named Janus, whom they regard as "God of gates, doors, and beginnings". Basically they believed in many creatures. Janus was one of them. Face in front of two heads of the statue of Janus and face to the other. By two heads on both sides, Janus can be seen in front and behind - everywhere. Symbolically it means - Janus sees the past and the future and has the power to control the future. According to the name of Janus, the first month of the year is named January. The original theme of keeping the January 1st as "New Year's Day" was so that their God Janus is happy, so that their year's journey is auspicious. Naturally, the celebration of December 31 was a celebration of gratitude for the happy ending of a good journey towards Janus.
A. The Calendar of the Roman Republic, Michels, A K. p. 97-98.
B. Roman Religion, Warrior Valerie. p. 110]
(2) Most of Europe's countries have been performing "New Year's Day" on January 1, long before the Gregorian calendar has been followed since 1752. According to Christian doctrine, on the eighth day of the birth of Jesus (Alaihis Salam), his circumcision was done, and a customary arrangement was made for that reason. From there on January 1, they expressed joy. So far Anglican Church and Lutheran Church expressed happiness on 1st January as per the custom.
A. Dictionary of theological terms, McKim, Donald p. 51
B. A Companion for the festivals and fasts of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Hobart, John Henry p. 284]
"Do they have associate gods who have perfected it for them, which Allah has not permitted, if it were not for the final decree, but it would have been decided between them, for the wrongdoers have a painful punishment."
[Sura Ash-Shura, verse 21]
The Messenger of Allah ()) said, "The person who accepts a similarity is one of them."
[Sunan Abu Daud: Hadith 4031]
Whatever religion is, understand and its
The currency of Janus Klein Chevad, but later, if the beard has become "militant januos" - it can not be understood.

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