Android Operating System Real Truth - Real Truth Research


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Feb 20, 2018

Android Operating System Real Truth

Android Operating System Real Truth

The current popular mobile operating system And because of the open source, its mode / change can be done by everyone. Through this series I will be informed about the process, steps and various tricks of the newcomers working properly. So hopefully stay there.

Before that, let's know a step that everyone should know. If you work in this step, you do not have to run the phone with customer care.

Route> Xposed> Custom Recovery> Backup of Stock Rack> Firmware Backup (Optional)> New ROM Port> New ROM Given. (Custom Recovery Serial will change slightly depending on version)

These steps will be told very well in my series. Many people may express different opinions about these steps: For the sake of their purpose I have reduced many more things by skipping / excluding.

Today is the 9th episode of the series. In short words today's series is on custom ROM. Today, I'll just get over it. In the next part, how can I do the work of Asub.

So let's get started.

First word
Still wondering what custom ROM is that? So it's your futile to read this tune. This tune is for those who have become a little advocate. Those who have been working for 1-8 episodes of my series have been successful. So if the previous episodes are not covered then go to the profile. And those who have read, let's go. Let's go to Custom ROM thing a little differently.

It does not think of two types:
★ OS updates are available.
★ Does not offer OS updates.

Sharing these two things will make it easier to port ROM.
Do not know the details of these before.

OS updates:

Suppose you are in KitKat. You can not use the DU Screen Recorder But if you update the phone's OS with such custom ROM, lollipop or mascaloo or nugate, but you can still use this app in Anaiaase. Problems with this type of ROM can be some bugs. Which can not be fixed. The name of this ROM is: CM, AOSP, Tesla OS, Resurrection Remix, crDroid, etc., or any CM based ROM. Which is written in tune. To make such a ROM port, you have to do a little more effort.

OS does not update:

This type of ROM will only change your phone's ui. No version will update If you have kitkat kitkat this will be. This type of ROM is usually Bagless, fast, battery saver. Since it does not give os updates, so its port is easy to install. One of the Stay OS Apart from this, ROM is the name of different phone names.

What kind of ROM do we start with?

Yes, it's a simple confusion. It depends on your needs.
But since you are new, you can start with ROM that does not offer ROM OS updates.

What to do port:

There may be such questions. If your phone is a good brand or a Google search for your phone, then it will not be ported. But if you do not get a ROM for your phone then you have to port it. There are also different rules to search here. They do not know.

Custom ROM for your phone
Can find two ways.
★ With the name of your set: Go to Google Search for Custom ROM For Lava iris 505 Name your set in place of Lava iris 505 here. If a little more search is advanced, search the name of the rom at the place of custom rom in the search bar. Such as CM For Lava iris 505. If you find the ROM for your phone in this way, it will not be ported. And if not, the next method is Triye.

★ With the Chipset model: In this case, you will need to search the phone's chipset model and the Android version of the phone, such as my phone's chipset mt6572 and Android version 4.4.2. So my search will be custom rom For mt6572 4.4 2, or CM for mt6572 4.4.2. Here you can give two-letter codes instead of the Android version. KK (Kitkat), LP (Lolipop), MM (Marshmallow) etc.
Another method of finding ROM that will be called later in any tune.

How will I get Ram?

It will be a different tune, because it's a little risky job. So you need to tune in through details. Find the ROM for your phone by then.

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